The Bar Convent Heritage Centre
17 Blossom Street, York, YO24 1AQ
Phone: 01904 643 238
There are two carparks nearby
Nunnery Lane Carpark and Blossom Street Carpark
The Bar Convent Heritage Centre is approx 10minutes walk from York Train Station
Opening times
Café: Monday- Saturday 8am-3pm (Hot food served until 2:30pm)
Exhibition, Chapel and Georgian Parlour: 10am-5pm (last admission 4pm)
Closed bank holidays and some religious holidays.
A visit to our house is free. Admission only applies to the exhibition.
On pavement level (attached to the railings) are 2 video call facilities, these are directly outside the main entrance door and also further down the street (right) outside our accessible entrance on Blossom Street. Pressing the gold button(s) on either unit connects you with our Reception team to talk to them. Upon advising reception that you require access via the accessible entrance, they will open the gates automatically for you. The accessible entrance (facing the building) is approximately 20 metres right along the pavement from the main entrance. Once inside the first gate, the majority of areas are accessible by either electric doors (pressing green access buttons as you progress) or by lift (we have an accessible lift in the Exhibition for floor 1 and 1.5).
Please follow through the accessible alleyway into the garden, across the small courtyard (following the small red signs) and then turning left, up the path towards the main house and centre. There is an electric door into the Centre, which can be opened by pressing the green button on the stand in the garden.
This will take you into the Atrium glass area. To the left is the Café and straight ahead is Reception, beyond that is the Shop and Exhibition.
We have an accessible unisex toilet on the ground floor.
The Café and Garden are on ground level and are accessible.
Exhibition and Shop
Entry into the Exhibition is through the Shop on the ground floor and an admission fee is payable.
The 1st floor is accessible using the lift next to the Shop entrance. This then enables access to all other Exhibition floors.
Down the 1st floor corridor and through the final push door, then turning left, then right through the brown wooden door (usually open) is the beautiful 18th Century Chapel.
To exit, please return the way you have come back though the Exhibition and using the lift. To get back through the door on the 1st floor into the Exhibition, please use the code that was provided when you paid for Exhibition admission.